This Week's Decouvertes: What Day is it Anyways?!

Every Friday we'll be sharing some of the little things that have inspired us, simplified our lives or just made us smile this past week. 



Phew, what a week! It's no joke trying to get any work done with two toddlers constantly at your side.  Not going to go on about it because you've already indulged us enough, but we are so happy/grateful/proud to have been able to launch our spring/summer collection this week despite all the hurdles and are SO THANKFUL for your response, love and support!  So thank you, thank you, thank you again a million times over. 


  • I know it's indulgent and there are far bigger issues in the world at the moment, but one of the many things I miss right now is being able to go to our local nail salon and get a mani/pedi and a little 10-minute chair massage, especially after a long week.  I haven't been great about self-care during this quarantine but have been using these products pretty much everyday and it's helped me feel pampered:  1) A few spritzes of this lovely, all-natural tonic after washing my face every morning and night; 2) This simple overnight mask that smells amazing and leaves my skin looking like I got a little more sleep than I actually did; 3) This scented candle that smells wonderful and is also affordable so I don't feel guilty lighting it up every evening and letting it burn for hours. 

Next step, trying to establish some kind workout routine from home!

P.S. Please help support service businesses that had to shut down by purchasing gift cards if you can.  

  • I went to receive our spring shipment this week and had a few hours in the car by myself without the kids for the first time in weeks.  It was delightful to be able to listen to some music of my choice and a couple podcasts instead of Frozen 2 on repeat.   I loved this podcast episode in particular which made me both laugh and cry.  At a time when we are forced to be physically separated from many of our loved ones, this episode recounts a collection of family stories about reaching out to the people you love.  I was especially touched by this story.  

  • Good job on getting through the week and hope you can all get at least a few minutes to yourselves this weekend, even if it's locked in your bedroom while letting your little ones watch one more episode of their favorite TV show!  Or if you can't, at least try these games to play with kids while laying down



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