This Week's Decouvertes: All Kinds of News

Every Friday we'll be sharing some of the little things that have inspired us, simplified our lives or just made us smile this past week. 



I found this beautiful series by local NYC artists illustrating a snapshot of their views of our beloved city during this pandemic to be so moving.  It captures so many of the complex and conflicting emotions this quarantine has been bringing up.  It also fills me with some much love and pride for our city.   

"The duality of support and positivity, with an undercurrent of anxiety, I think, speaks to how everyone is feeling right now." —Ariel Davis

  • I get a little overwhelmed by the amount of news getting thrown our way and despite knowing it's not the healthiest of habits, my media intake has increased pretty drastically in the last few weeks.  It's one of my 2020 resolutions that will need to get revisited once we get back to some kind of normalcy!

Glimmers of hope are starting to emerge and while I'm still feeling very cautiously optimistic, I know many of us have been longing for more uplifting headlines for weeks. I've been enjoying reading and listening to some of the more lighter-hearted  news outlets dedicated to highlighting the good news in in the world right now to balance out some of heavier headlines. 

I know this video has been shared literally tens of millions of times but it keeps on making me smile and the music continues to blow me away!

  • Here are a few new books, craft projects and other resources that have made our semi home-schooled days easier and more fun this week: 
  1. This sticker art book because every kid loves stickers, and it's also a nice break from having to clean up all the paint supplies! 
  2. This simple cardboard animals  craft project has been a big hit with our kids.  Fun and easy to make, fun to play with, and a good way to use up some of the cardboard from the deliveries we've been getting.  
  3. These two websites 1)The Kid Should See This and 2) Mystery Doug have been great resources for short, fun, educational videos for kids.
    • On a more personal note, we're expecting baby #3 next week so things might be a little quieter (on the work front, probably not at home!) around here for a bit!  I've been wanting to share the news for a while but tend to be a bit of a private person and never know quite how to make these kinds of announcements!  And to be totally honest, this pregnancy has also crept up on me with everything going on and I haven't fully wrapped my head around the fact that another little one is joining our family in a few days.  We're nervous, a little scared, excited and grateful. 

      In any case, we've got an amazing, very small but mighty team that will continue to fill orders and help answer any questions/emails while I take a little time to settle in with our new addition but thank you in advance for your patience if we're a little slower to respond than usual! 


    Have a great weekend!  

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