This Week's Decouvertes: Summer Haze

Via Whalebone Magazine


Time has gotten away from me the past couple weeks with lots of visits from family and the buzz from those first couple weeks of summer break so I've taken a little hiatus from the newsletter.  But we're back at it and excited to share some of the little things that we've been enjoying this summer! 


I was reluctant to get an Apple watch because I was worried about always being "connected" but I'm now a total convert.  I've reduced my screen time by a ton since I'm not tempted to instinctively screen through my news feed or social media everytime I grab my phone to check the time or read a text.  I also love being able to run around outside with the kids without being attached to my phone but still be reachable.  I got myself this fun wristband that felt extra summer-y! 


If you can't tell, summer is my favorite time of year :) so we've really been trying to soak in every minute of sunshine and have been having lots of picnic dinners at the beach.  These are a few of the items we've found extra useful: 


Our pressure cooker usually gets tucked away during summer but I've actually been using it a ton this year. I find it to be so useful to quickly put together dinner on hot summer days when the last thing you want to do is around a hot stove or oven.  It's also great to feed a crowd! 

  • This takes a little longer but has been one of our go-to recipes for years especially when we have guests.  Both grown-ups and kiddos love it!  I like to serve over rice with beans and slices of avocado, or in a tortilla with salsa and a simple salad on the side. It also makes great leftovers. 

  • This is another great quick and easy recipe that comes together in 30 minutes.  We sometimes do a less gourmet/more kid-friendly variation and use a jar of mild salsa instead of the adobo sauce. 

  • This is another recipe that uses great summer produce that I'd like to try!  

Have a great weekend!  Enjoy, have fun, be safe!  


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