This Week's Découvertes: Maman, Mama, Mommy, Mom 💗

Art by Mari Andrew

  • I'm a big fan of ramps.  They are a kind of wild leek with a garlicky aroma and are available for just about a month each year.  They are one of the first edible plants to break through the soil in early spring and I'm always excited when they start becoming available at our local farmer's market because it coincides with spring coming into bloom! 

    • Ramps and eggs are one my favorite combos.  I often just make scrambled eggs with ramps as a quick and delicious meal but this omelet with ramps is a slightly more "refined" variation.

    • I haven't made it yet but this potato, sunchoke and asparagus salad with ramps sounds simple and delicious, and perfect for a spring picnic!  

    • I'm also planning on making this ramp pesto and freezing some while they are still readily available!


  • I'm helping organize a family gardening and clean-up morning at our local playground with Z's school.  Kids will help pick-up trash and do some weeding and mulching.  We thought it would be a fun way to get the kids involved and help take care of their beloved stomping grounds!  If you are in NYC, NYC Parks has a number of programs and family-friendly volunteer opportunities.  I also recently found out about OneBlock Brooklyn, a community-run group committed to keeping our streets and parks clean.  You can sign up to “adopt” a block or park and commit to weekly clean ups.  Would love to know whether there are similar initiatives in your local community!


  • While we seem to be nearing some light at the end of the tunnel in the US, India is witnessing a massive surge in cases that is crippling the country. Please consider donating to support relief efforts in India if you are able to. 


Wishing you all a restful weekend (especially to all the mamas!),


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